You get yourself in cash as fast as you can.
Do you realize how very important this city is to everything that's American? If ever Hollywood is hindered from producing its wares, America might be constrained from producing its wares.
I am talking about the I.O.U.
Has anyone else thought of this ... within the context of our highly leveraged, global village?
There's a mountain of debt whose servicing needs a captive audience for bombarding messages about what to buy. After all, sales mean financial obligations can be, first, met, and second, extended further.
Truth is, the name of the game with Structured Finance is INFLATE OR DIE.
Any serious challenge to this means Game Over. A collapse of sales message production (not to mention other mindless diversions) might represent a very serious threat indeed.
Look, if the place were not geologically active, I probably would not mention this at all.
Bottom line — earthquake or not — the ground upon which we stand is being made increasingly more unstable with each passing day's unchecked greed gone wild. Reputable men defend this arrangement as though nothing were amiss, because momentary ecstasy makes even a whore an otherwise good man's lover.
Her name is Structured Finance, and her "goodness" goes unquestioned... so long as she keeps putting out.